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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Foods That Help Weight Loss in the New Year

A food that many people may only consider eating during the holidays may actually help you to lose weight. This food is pumpkin pudding. It only contains 150 calories and is rich in protein and fiber. This combination helps you feel full and satisfied for a longer amount of time and help curb cravings later on during the day. Another good weight loss food is vegetable soup. It has been shown to be rich in fiber and help reduce your intake of calories. It also helps you eat less during the main meals because it helps you feel full longer.

A salad full of vegetables containing plenty of water such as cucumbers and tomatoes can also help you to maintain a healthy weight. These kinds of salads are low in calories and will help fill you up and the whole meal or snack only contains 125 calories total. Also, drinking tea helps your body to relax after a day full of stress and it helps you avoid eating when you may be emotional. It is also does not have many calories. Adding spices to your foods can also help curb cravings and make you feel full longer so you can avoid overeating.

There are many foods out there that can help with weight loss and these are the newest ones for this New Year. It is important to take these tips and pay attention to how you are eating them and also make sure you are continue to exercise on a daily basis. These foods can only help you with weight loss if you know how to prepare them and when during the day to eat them. Following these tips can help you maintain a healthy weight and reach your goals and feel better about yourself and your body in this new year and in the long run.

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