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Monday, October 28, 2013

Acai Berry Research - The Weight Loss Pill

Acai berry branded as super food may not have enough researches to prove the concept, because there are no particular studies to show that the acai berry is actually helpful in burning the excess fat, giving you an excellent physique. Yet some experiments were conducted in past which proves that at least, this small berry originally found in Brazil has some antioxidant properties.

As per the experts and scientists, some experiments conducted in vitro, that is in a test-tube, proved the presence of large number of antioxidants in the berry. However, the nutritionists know nothing regarding its weight loss effect. Moreover, the scientist says that it is not only the property of acai berry, in fact all other types of berries too have higher antioxidant effect.

Again, the researches conducted in vitro which is quite different from the human body and having different functioning, is difficult to co-relate.

Meanwhile another set of research conducted on acai berry juices as compared to other berry or fruit juices available readily in market, concluded that acai juice has lesser antioxidants.

Although there are no researches supporting the weight loss claims of the acai fruit and its various forms yet, since many years the berry has been successful in eliminating various other diseases. In combination of other ingredients various companies are promoting the berry as weight loss pill, because the higher fiber content in the berry makes you feel quite fuller and in turn, you eat less resulting in weight loss. Similarly, the fibers in the berry helps in keeping the system clean aiding faster digestion, thereby increasing the overall metabolism of the body. That is the reason why the demand for acai berry is increasing day by day even in the absence of suitable researches proving the weight loss effect of this berry.

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