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Friday, October 4, 2013

Calorie Shifting - Do the Diet Plans Help with Weight Loss?

Calorie shifting is a widely discussed topic in the fitness industry, and especially regarding to weight loss, but what is it and does it actually help you to lose weight?

If you've ever looked for diets or weight loss plans before, you'll have undoubtedly realized the shear number of different methods available. Whereas most focus on cutting down on certain areas such as low fat, low calorie, and low carb diets, the calorie shifting diet works by altering eating patterns.

The reason why you hear about so many diet plans failing is because they are reliant on depriving the body. For example, low carb diets initially seem to work and the people using them will say how wonderful they think they are at first, but the results do not last. In fact, people using them will often put on more weight than originally within a few weeks or months. This happens because your metabolism slows down when you lower your intake of carbs and calories, as the body aims to conserve energy.

So, what about calorie shifting, how does it differ?

A calorie shifting meal plan doesn't deprive the body of carbs, fats, or calories, but rather rotates our eating plans. As a consequence, the body always has a high metabolism so you do not gain a lot of weight as soon as you stop the plan. By rotating eating patterns (calorie shifting), the body does not become accustomed to what you eat and when and is forced to burn fat.

The effectiveness of calorie shifting diets can depend on a number of factors, including knowing what to eat and drink and when, the number of meals to have per day, how to exercise properly, and how to change eating patterns. The fact of the matter is though that calorie shifting diets work.

Creating a diet menu yourself for this type of plan is very difficult. In order to lose weight you should make sure that you have a proper system in place so that you aren't wasting time tying to use your own devised plan.

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